
/* $Id$ */
/* Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Pierre Pronchery <> */
/* This file is part of DeforaOS Devel Asm */
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License a published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>. */
#include <System.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "Asm/asm.h"
#include "arch.h"
#include "code.h"
#include "format.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "../config.h"
/* Asm */
/* private */
/* types */
struct _Asm
#if 1 /* FIXME probably useless now */
char * arch;
char * format;
AsmCode * code;
typedef struct _AsmPluginDescription
char const * name;
char const * description;
} AsmPluginDescription;
/* constants */
#define APT_COUNT (APT_LAST + 1)
static const AsmPluginDescription _asm_plugin_description[APT_COUNT] =
{ "arch", "architecture" },
{ "format", "file format" }
/* prototypes */
/* accessors */
static int _asm_can_open(Asm * a);
/* useful */
static char * _asm_guess_arch(void);
static int _asm_open(Asm * a, char const * outfile);
static int _asm_open_file(Asm * a, char const * outfile, FILE * fp);
/* public */
/* functions */
/* asm_new */
Asm * asm_new(char const * arch, char const * format)
Asm * a;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s(\"%s\", \"%s\")\n", __func__, arch, format);
if((a = object_new(sizeof(*a))) == NULL)
return NULL;
a->arch = (arch != NULL) ? string_new(arch) : NULL;
a->format = (format != NULL) ? string_new(format) : NULL;
a->code = NULL;
if((arch != NULL && a->arch == NULL)
|| (format != NULL && a->format == NULL))
return NULL;
return a;
/* asm_delete */
void asm_delete(Asm * a)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s()\n", __func__);
if(a->code != NULL)
/* accessors */
/* asm_get_arch */
char const * asm_get_arch(Asm * a)
if(a->code != NULL)
return asmcode_get_arch(a->code);
return a->arch;
/* asm_get_format */
char const * asm_get_format(Asm * a)
if(a->code != NULL)
return asmcode_get_format(a->code);
return a->format;
/* asm_set_arch */
int asm_set_arch(Asm * a, char const * arch)
char * p;
if((p = string_new(arch)) == NULL)
return -1;
a->arch = p;
return 0;
/* asm_set_format */
int asm_set_format(Asm * a, char const * format)
char * p;
if((p = string_new(format)) == NULL)
return -1;
a->format = p;
return 0;
/* asm_set_function */
AsmFunction * asm_set_function(Asm * a, char const * name, off_t offset,
ssize_t size)
return asmcode_set_function(a->code, -1, name, offset, size);
/* asm_set_section */
AsmSection * asm_set_section(Asm * a, unsigned int flags, char const * name,
off_t offset, ssize_t size, off_t base)
return asmcode_set_section(a->code, -1, flags, name, offset, size,
/* useful */
/* asm_assemble */
int asm_assemble(Asm * a, AsmPrefs * prefs, char const * infile,
char const * outfile)
int ret;
if(_asm_open(a, outfile) != 0)
return -1;
ret = parser(prefs, a->code, infile);
if(ret != 0 && unlink(outfile) != 0)
ret |= error_set_code(3, "%s: %s", outfile, strerror(errno));
ret |= asm_close(a);
return ret;
/* asm_assemble_string */
int asm_assemble_string(Asm * a, AsmPrefs * prefs, char const * outfile,
char const * string)
int ret;
/* FIXME should also support returning a buffer */
if(outfile == NULL)
if(_asm_open_file(a, NULL, stdout) != 0)
return -1;
else if(_asm_open(a, outfile) != 0)
return -1;
ret = parser_string(prefs, a->code, string);
ret |= asm_close(a);
return ret;
/* asm_close */
int asm_close(Asm * a)
int ret;
if(a->code == NULL)
return -error_set_code(1, "%s", "No file opened");
ret = asmcode_close(a->code);
a->code = NULL;
return ret;
/* asm_deassemble */
AsmCode * asm_deassemble(Asm * a, char const * buffer, size_t size,
AsmArchInstructionCall ** calls, size_t * calls_cnt)
if(_asm_open(a, NULL) != 0)
return NULL;
if(asmcode_decode_buffer(a->code, buffer, size, calls, calls_cnt) != 0)
return NULL;
return a->code;
/* asm_function */
int asm_function(Asm * a, char const * name)
return asmcode_function(a->code, name);
/* asm_guess_arch */
int asm_guess_arch(Asm * a)
int ret;
char * arch;
if((arch = _asm_guess_arch()) == NULL)
return -1;
ret = asm_set_arch(a, arch);
return ret;
/* asm_guess_format */
int asm_guess_format(Asm * a)
int ret = -1;
AsmCode * code;
char const * format;
if((code = asmcode_new(a->arch, a->format)) == NULL)
return -1;
if((format = asmcode_get_format(code)) != NULL
&& asm_set_format(a, format) == 0)
ret = 0;
return ret;
/* asm_instruction */
int asm_instruction(Asm * a, char const * name, unsigned int operands_cnt, ...)
AsmArchInstructionCall call;
va_list ap;
size_t i;
AsmArchOperand * operand;
memset(&call, 0, sizeof(call)); = name;
if((call.operands_cnt = operands_cnt) != 0)
va_start(ap, operands_cnt);
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(call.operands) / sizeof(*call.operands)
&& i < operands_cnt; i++)
operand = va_arg(ap, AsmArchOperand *);
memcpy(&call.operands[i], operand, sizeof(*operand));
return asmcode_instruction(a->code, &call);
/* asm_open_assemble */
int asm_open_assemble(Asm * a, char const * outfile)
return (outfile != NULL) ? _asm_open(a, outfile)
: _asm_open_file(a, NULL, stdout);
/* asm_open_deassemble */
AsmCode * asm_open_deassemble(Asm * a, char const * filename, int raw)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s(\"%s\")\n", __func__, filename);
return NULL;
if((a->code = asmcode_new_file(a->arch, a->format, filename)) == NULL
|| asmcode_decode(a->code, raw) != 0)
return NULL;
return a->code;
/* asm_plugin_list */
int asm_plugin_list(AsmPluginType type, int decode)
AsmPluginDescription const * aspd;
char * path;
DIR * dir;
struct dirent * de;
size_t len;
char const * sep = "";
#if defined(__APPLE__)
char const ext[] = ".dylib";
#elif defined(__WIN32__)
char const ext[] = ".dll";
char const ext[] = ".so";
char const * description;
AsmArch * arch;
AsmFormat * format;
aspd = &_asm_plugin_description[type];
fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s", "Available ", aspd->description,
" plug-ins:\n");
len = strlen(LIBDIR) + 1 + strlen(PACKAGE) + 1 + strlen(aspd->name) + 1;
if((path = malloc(len)) == NULL)
error_set_code(1, "%s", strerror(errno));
fputc('\n', stderr);
return 1;
snprintf(path, len, "%s/%s/%s", LIBDIR, PACKAGE, aspd->name);
if((dir = opendir(path)) == NULL)
error_set_code(1, "%s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
fputc('\n', stderr);
return 1;
while((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
if((len = strlen(de->d_name)) < sizeof(ext))
if(strcmp(ext, &de->d_name[len - sizeof(ext) + 1]) != 0)
de->d_name[len - sizeof(ext) + 1] = '\0';
if(type == APT_ARCH && (arch = arch_new(de->d_name)) != NULL
&& (decode == 0 || arch_can_decode(arch)))
description = arch_get_description(arch);
fprintf(stderr, "%s%s (%s)", sep, arch_get_name(arch),
else if(type == APT_FORMAT && (format = format_new(de->d_name))
!= NULL && (decode == 0
|| format_can_decode(format)))
description = format_get_description(format);
fprintf(stderr, "%s%s (%s)", sep,
format_get_name(format), description);
sep = "\n";
fputc('\n', stderr);
return 0;
/* private */
/* functions */
/* accessors */
/* asm_can_open */
static int _asm_can_open(Asm * a)
char const * filename;
if(a->code == NULL)
return 1;
if((filename = asmcode_get_filename(a->code)) != NULL)
error_set_code(-EINPROGRESS, "%s: %s", filename,
error_set_code(-EINPROGRESS, "%s", strerror(EINPROGRESS));
return 0;
/* useful */
/* asm_guess_arch */
static char * _asm_guess_arch(void)
char * ret = NULL;
AsmCode * code;
char const * arch;
if((code = asmcode_new(NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
return NULL;
if((arch = asmcode_get_arch(code)) != NULL)
ret = string_new(arch);
return ret;
/* asm_open */
static int _asm_open(Asm * a, char const * outfile)
char const * arch = a->arch;
char const * format = a->format;
return -1;
if((a->code = asmcode_new(arch, format)) == NULL)
return -1;
if(outfile == NULL)
return 0;
return asmcode_open(a->code, outfile);
/* asm_open_file */
static int _asm_open_file(Asm * a, char const * outfile, FILE * fp)
char const * arch = a->arch;
char const * format = a->format;
return -1;
if((a->code = asmcode_new(arch, format)) == NULL)
return -1;
return asmcode_open_file(a->code, outfile, fp);