--- /var/www/www.defora.org/wiki/Panel 2010/10/13 02:07:28 1.2
+++ /var/www/www.defora.org/wiki/Panel 2010/10/13 02:09:16 1.3
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
matchbox-panel on Openmoko)</span><ul><li>network activity (ethernet, wireless
chooser...)</li><li style="text-decoration: line-through;">hardware presence and activity monitors (GPS, GSM,
bluetooth...)</li></ul></li><li style="text-decoration: line-through;">with all of that, improving the
-interface and layout will be necessary to fit everything on screen.</li></ul>
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+interface and layout will be necessary to fit everything on screen.</li><li>implement a complete configuration interface</li></ul>
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