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-<a href="/os/project/3299/Todo">Project page</a><br><h3>Description</h3>Todo is a simple yet useful application for the desktop. Its purpose is to track planned and completed assignments, and help sort through them (priorities...)<br><h3>Tasks</h3><ul><li>consider the completion date as due when the task is not completed<br></li><li>let the user change the beginning and completion/due dates (popup the calendar widget)<br></li><li>allow multi-line configuration values in libSystem's Config class (for the description field)</li><li>let the user define and assign arbitrary categories for the tasks (with sort order and colors)<br></li></ul>
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+<a href="/os/project/3299/Todo">Project page</a> (<a href="/os/wiki/3426/Graphical-environment">Graphical environment</a>)<br><h3>Description</h3>Todo is a simple yet useful application for the desktop. Its purpose is to track planned and completed assignments, and help sort through them (priorities...)<br><h3>Tasks</h3><ul><li>consider the completion date as due when the task is not completed<br></li><li>let the user change the beginning and completion/due dates (popup the calendar widget)<br></li><li>allow multi-line configuration values in libSystem's Config class (for the description field)</li><li>let the user define and assign arbitrary categories for the tasks (with sort order and colors)<br></li></ul>
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