--- /var/www/www.defora.org/wiki/DeforaOS Project 2013/07/24 02:08:36 1.1
+++ /var/www/www.defora.org/wiki/DeforaOS Project 2013/07/24 02:36:11 1.2
@@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
-<h2>Multi-purpose Operating System</h2><br/>
-<p><i>Kernel-independent, networked and secure infrastructure</i></p><br/>
-<h3>1. <a href="/os/wiki/3428/Core-environment" title="Core environment">Innovative foundation</a></h3><br/>
-<p>The main goal is to provide <b>ubiquitous</b>, <b>secure</b> and<br/>
-<b>transparent</b> access to one's resources. This is not limited to data, with<br/>
-the possibility to resume applications running remotely.</p><br/>
-<h3>2. <a href="/os/wiki/3427/Distributed-environment" title="Distributed environment">Cross-platform framework</a></h3><br/>
-<p>The system features a <a href="/os/wiki/3425/Self-hosting-environment" title="Self-hosting environment">POSIX-compliant environment</a>, and is already able to function on top of most Linux, *BSD or Solaris-based systems. Developed with <b>simplicity</b> and <b>efficiency</b> in mind, it is suitable for modern <b>embedded</b> platforms as well.</p><br/>
-<h3>3. <a href="/os/wiki/3426/Graphical-environment" title="Graphical environment">Desktop environment</a></h3><br/>
-<p>The project is also focused on <b>usability</b>, <b>coherence</b> and<br/>
-<b>integration</b>, and therefore featuring a number of desktop applications.<br/>
-Although already intended to be useful on current systems, they eventually<br/>
-benefit from DeforaOS' own set of features.</p><br/>
-<h3>4. <a href="/os/wiki/display/3323/Planned-developments" title="Planned development">Cutting-edge platform for today's needs</a></h3><br/>
-<p>This <b>experimental</b> project has the <b>ambition</b> to address a number of recurring issues with contemporary Operating Systems, with the <b>re-design</b> of most of their components.<br/><br/>
-Additionally, even though the system is <a href="/os/project/14/libc" title="Portable libc">kernel-agnostic</a> at the moment, a<br/>
-dedicated micro-kernel may also be useful at <a href="/os/wiki/3324/Roadmap" title="Roadmap">some later stage</a>.</p>
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+<h2>Multi-purpose Operating System</h2>
+<p><i>Kernel-independent, networked and secure infrastructure</i></p>
+<h3>1. <a href="/os/wiki/3428/Core-environment" title="Core environment">Innovative foundation</a></h3>
+<p>The main goal is to provide <b>ubiquitous</b>, <b>secure</b> and <b>transparent</b> access to one's resources. This is not limited to data, with the possibility to resume applications running remotely.</p>
+<h3>2. <a href="/os/wiki/3427/Distributed-environment" title="Distributed environment">Cross-platform framework</a></h3>
+<p>The system features a <a href="/os/wiki/3425/Self-hosting-environment" title="Self-hosting environment">POSIX-compliant environment</a>, and is already able to function on top of most Linux, *BSD or Solaris-based systems. Developed with <b>simplicity</b> and <b>efficiency</b> in mind, it is suitable for modern <b>embedded</b> platforms as well.</p>
+<h3>3. <a href="/os/wiki/3426/Graphical-environment" title="Graphical environment">Desktop environment</a></h3>
+<p>The project is also focused on <b>usability</b>, <b>coherence</b> and <b>integration</b>, and therefore featuring a number of desktop applications. Although already intended to be useful on current systems, they eventually benefit from DeforaOS' own set of features.</p>
+<h3>4. <a href="/os/wiki/display/3323/Planned-developments" title="Planned development">Cutting-edge platform for today's needs</a></h3>
+<p>This <b>experimental</b> project has the <b>ambition</b> to address a number of recurring issues with contemporary Operating Systems, with the <b>re-design</b> of most of their components.<br/>
+Additionally, even though the system is <a href="/os/project/14/libc" title="Portable libc">kernel-agnostic</a> at the moment, a dedicated micro-kernel may also be useful at <a href="/os/wiki/3324/Roadmap" title="Roadmap">some later stage</a>.</p>
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